Exploring Library Collections

Virtual Browsing at NCSU Libraries and Beyond

Kevin Beswick

Digital Technologies Development Librarian, NCSU Libraries


  • Environmental Scan / Introduction
  • Motivations
  • NCSU Virtual Browse Project
  • Challenges, Future Directions
Amazon - http://www.amazon.com
Netfix - http://www.netflix.com
Netfix Prize - http://www.netflixprize.com
Columbia University Libraries - https://clio.columbia.edu/catalog
LibraryThing - https://www.librarything.com/
OpenLibrary - https://openlibrary.org/
DPLA - http://dp.la/
DPLA - http://dp.la/
DPLA - http://dp.la/

Motivation for Libraries

  • Full view of entire library collection across all locations
  • Increasing number of E-Books
  • Can browse from any location, not bound to physical presence
  • Browsing features are ubiquitous in many widely used web applications today

Motivation for NCSU

  • More books being moved to offsite storage
  • bookBot - Automated Storage Retrieval System for majority of the collection in our new library
  • Faculty Demand

Virtual Browse Project @ NCSU

  • Aim to develop new virtual browsing tools for exploring the collection
  • Cross departmental involvement from:
    • IT
    • Digital Library Initiatives
    • Research and Information Services
    • User Experience
    • Acquisitions & Discovery
    • Collection Management
    • Special Collections Research Center

VB Services Architecture

Virtual Shelf Index

  • PHP-based web service that can be queried by Call Number or Record ID, and returns a set of records in call number order
  • Backed by a MySQL database that is updated nightly with new records
  • Records are retrieved from our ILS, run through scripts which sort by call number, and assign a "batch ID" so that we can use simple SQL queries to get consecutive records out of the database

Virtual Browse in the Catalog

  • Recent usability test suggested that users find this feature useful, but usage statistics are lower than expected
  • Found that users often don't see the links to this feature, or are unsure what "Browse Shelf" means
  • Users preferred an alternative mockup that included an inline, abbreviated view of the feature on full record page

Virtual Browse Kiosk

  • Hardware: PerceptivePixel touchscreen
  • Software: implemented as a front-end web application in HTML/CSS/JS using the Angular.js framework
  • Primary Goals:
    • Provide a larger-scale, more visual search/browse environment
    • Functionality to demo and request items from the bookBot

Virtual Browse Kiosk Demo



  • Lack of available Call Numbers for e-books
  • Call number ordering has limitations as a method of browsing

Automatically Improving Call Number Availability

  • Built a tool which processes batches of MARC records, and adds call numbers using the OCLC Classify API
  • Tested with Serials Solutions eBook records
  • Able to assign call numbers to about 43% of records in the batches we tested

Find More

  • Tested various approaches to recommending similar books based on Subject Headings
  • Leverages Solr to implement recommendations, presented as a coverflow on catalog full record page
  • Titles can appear in more than one place/recommendation, as opposed to shelf browse
  • Performed well when there were accurate subject headings available for a given title

Graph Browse

  • New feature we're working on for the Virtual Browse Kiosk
  • Browse titles as a network graph, where nodes are individual books and links are subject headings
  • Interactive visualization using Sigma.js, currently showing around 350 books per graph and representing several related subject areas

Graph Browse Demo



  • Lack of supplemental information for many items (cover images, summary/table of contents)
  • How well will new browsing methods developed for a touchscreen translate to the web?

Looking to the Future

  • Launch Graph Browse feature
  • Implement Find More into catalog
  • Continue exploring methods of browsing along different dimensions of likeness


Thank you!

Kevin Beswick

NCSU Libraries


@kbeswick on Twitter

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